Thursday, December 10, 2009

P.U.R.E Love

What is LOVE? Who can define it?  The only answer that made sense to me was "you just KNOW." Saying so much in so little, right?...If you think about it, this is such a vague answer.  What EXACTLY do you "just KNOW"?  Is it that overwhelming feeling that you can't get rid of?  Those butterflies in your stomach?  A woozy feeling whenever your touched by this person?  Well...I KNOW that I love my family and I don't get any of these feelings from them.  Is that why there was then created the term "IN love". Lol. This just makes me laugh because when you are "IN love you can also fall OUT of love." I believe that true love never faulters...

I believe I am ready & open for LOVE.  Not the love that everyone else says they have for their know, that deep-overwhelming-infatuation-that-you-feel-that-may-well-be-lust type love. No no.  I mean P.U.R.E love. That love that gets to the point where its deeper than the skin, so even though u don't feel the butterflies or the tingling, u know that its there. That's what made sense that you "Just KNOW."  You would do anything to see that this person has the best out of life because you feel what they feel.  The real definition of a "soul mate". I need THAT love because that type of love cannot fail.  You can't fall OUT of that love because you aren't IN love. That love is produced and guided by is not a lustful feeling, it is so much deeper.  It is constant & never ending.  I need that Pure Love.

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