Friday, February 26, 2010

First Impressions Last...Entirely Too Long

In this photo, do you see a young woman or an old lady? long did it take you to see the other?
to see an old woman: imagine the young lady's chin is her nose, ear is her eye, and necklace is her mouth.
to see a young lady: imagine the old woman's nose is her chin, eye is her ear, and wart is her nose.
cool huh?
    when you first meet someone, as i've said in a recent blog post, it is a representation of that person, never the real person. they transform into someone who would be your PERFECT mate. they show you things you've never seen, do things no one else has done for you, and you start feeling like, "where have you been all of my life?"...a reality check PERFECT.  the only one who is died on a cross very long ago.
    the real problem here is, first impressions are the HARDEST TO BREAK. once you have that impression that this person is amazing, that impression lasts no matter how much they begin to change. when they begin to act up, we wonder why they are acting funny when really...this new person is the true them. since we lead ourselves into believing that the person we first met is who they are, when they begin to act like themselves we create this idea that they are acting funny, not BECOMING themselves.
   sometimes we want things to work out so much that we become blind to reality.  we know that this person is not who we would want to end up with, yet we can't seem to let go. why is that? well, it's simple really. we fall in love with the IDEA, not the PERSON. we want our life to be a certain way, and we know that if this person was only who they were when we first met them everything would be copastetic. we become blind to the present because the future we've created in our minds is so bright.
    granted, there are some amazing people in the world. even after their representation falters, and they get comfortable, there are still better parts than downfalls to them. i am only creating awareness to the former.

there is actually a known quote that is simple and straightforward, that would pretty much summarize this entire post...ready?...: "when someone shows you who they are, believe them".

Monday, January 25, 2010

The Permanent Beauty

We hear all the time that beauty is more than flesh.  Who really lives by this saying?  This world has placed outer beauty on a pedestal that cannot be knocked down.  I am the highest supporter of inner beauty, but that still doesn't stop me from wearing make-up, weave, dressing to impress, etc.  But this also doesn't mean that I don't find inner beauty important.
     Looking nice is perfectly long as you don't PRIDE yourself on this factor.  People who only look for those attractive on the outside have the worst relationships and friendships.  Not only is this where you find the most frenemies (those for you on the outside, but would rather not see you succeed), but this is also where you have the most unsuccessful relationships.  Once the physical attraction dies, there is nothing left in the relationship that will keep the passion going and the fire burning, if you don't have an inner connection.
    "Beauty doesn't come from the tag in your clothes, it comes from the message in your heart". You can buy all of the most expensive clothing and people will admire you and love you...or are they admiring and loving the clothes you are wearing?  When you remove all of these accessories, THAT IS WHO YOU ARE. In Beyonce's song "Upgrade You", she mentionins only material things are needed if you wanted to upgrade yourself.  If you truly believe this, does that mean when you take them all off these things off, you are downgraded??? Would the same people that love you while you are flashy and shining, love you when you don't have these things?  If not, you need to re-evaluate your inner self and the inner self of those around you.  Besides, those who have inner beauty have eyes are are a little brighter, and skin that glows just that much more.  Pay close can see it. ;)

"Some people, no matter how old they get, never lose their beauty - they merely move it from their faces into their hearts." - Martin Buxbaum

   True beauty is the beauty that God sees.  We must all strive to be a little more like Him in all aspects.  True beauty doesn't come from your face but from your soul.

Sooooooo how does your soul look? :)

Thursday, January 7, 2010

U have the POWER

New Years Resolution: Blog More! LOL. Happy 2010!!!

"Don't let anyone tell u no, who doesn't have the power to tell u yes."

Absolutely LOVE this quote that was recently posted on twitter! How can u allow someone to tell you that you CAN'T if they don't have the capability to allow you to? Even if someone had the capability, I feel as you control all of the events in your life. You choose what to do, where to be, who to be with, and these choices create the events & each and every moment of your life. Take full responsibility of your life!

There are hardly people who see with their own eyes & even less people who feel with their own hearts. Think about this...people constantly see what others want them to see & feel the way others want them to feel. They can claim to be of their own opinions but a majority of the time they were influenced in some way. Take a step back & view the world outside of the picture that has been framed for you.

If you don't know if something is from your eyes or someone else's...view it as if you are looking at it for the first or last time. Make your life your only have ONE. Blessings & Inner Peace to everyone!

Your life is amazing. Feel it. Xoxo

Monday, December 28, 2009

Appreciation creates Value

When something positive happens to much do you appreciate it?  I think the only way that we can truly appreciate something is if the negative has happened to us before.  For example, how can you truly appreciate being rich if you have never been poor?  You would never know the value of being rich if you have experienced not having all of those things that you possess.  Being born into a rich family, you would think it's normal to have 5 lambourghinis and just think those without them are poor. 
This is why people say "It could always be worse." We take this saying for granted but if you think about means so much in so little.  You could have broke your leg and lost your job so you have to live with your family.  Some people have NO family left...those are the ones on the street with cups in their hands begging for change. *APPRECIATE*
Experiencing the contrary brings appreciation, and appreciation brings value.  Try to always look at the other side of things, you will appreciate & value your life so much more. Stay blessed all! :-*.

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Post TimeOut...

Ok so I haven't blogged in about 10 days...sue 

Monday, December 14, 2009

Accepting rather than Rejecting

You know how there are times when you try to force yourself not to feel a certain way about someone?  Like when they hurt you, you try so hard not to care about them, you tell yourself over and over that you can't stand them, you hate them, etc.?  I feel as thought this method just makes it harder to not care.  Just like a craving you try to resist, the more you try to resist, the more prominent the craving becomes.  Rather than trying to reject these feelings why don't we accept them and understand why we feel that way?  This is the method that I've started using and it works like a freaking CHARM!  Like ok...I understand I'm attracted to this man but why?  What has he reaaaallly done for me? When you realize this person hasn't done much to make you feel the way you do or what you are REALLY attracted to in them it makes it all the easier to let go.  Goodbye old feelings. :)

Thursday, December 10, 2009


I <3 my family...without them I would be nothing.  They make me angry sometimes because they are so pushy but I know that it is all love.  They are my support system which is needed to achieve any dream.  & because of them everyday...I feel a little closer to my dreams. *blessed*