Monday, December 14, 2009

Accepting rather than Rejecting

You know how there are times when you try to force yourself not to feel a certain way about someone?  Like when they hurt you, you try so hard not to care about them, you tell yourself over and over that you can't stand them, you hate them, etc.?  I feel as thought this method just makes it harder to not care.  Just like a craving you try to resist, the more you try to resist, the more prominent the craving becomes.  Rather than trying to reject these feelings why don't we accept them and understand why we feel that way?  This is the method that I've started using and it works like a freaking CHARM!  Like ok...I understand I'm attracted to this man but why?  What has he reaaaallly done for me? When you realize this person hasn't done much to make you feel the way you do or what you are REALLY attracted to in them it makes it all the easier to let go.  Goodbye old feelings. :)

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