Monday, December 28, 2009

Appreciation creates Value

When something positive happens to much do you appreciate it?  I think the only way that we can truly appreciate something is if the negative has happened to us before.  For example, how can you truly appreciate being rich if you have never been poor?  You would never know the value of being rich if you have experienced not having all of those things that you possess.  Being born into a rich family, you would think it's normal to have 5 lambourghinis and just think those without them are poor. 
This is why people say "It could always be worse." We take this saying for granted but if you think about means so much in so little.  You could have broke your leg and lost your job so you have to live with your family.  Some people have NO family left...those are the ones on the street with cups in their hands begging for change. *APPRECIATE*
Experiencing the contrary brings appreciation, and appreciation brings value.  Try to always look at the other side of things, you will appreciate & value your life so much more. Stay blessed all! :-*.

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Post TimeOut...

Ok so I haven't blogged in about 10 days...sue 

Monday, December 14, 2009

Accepting rather than Rejecting

You know how there are times when you try to force yourself not to feel a certain way about someone?  Like when they hurt you, you try so hard not to care about them, you tell yourself over and over that you can't stand them, you hate them, etc.?  I feel as thought this method just makes it harder to not care.  Just like a craving you try to resist, the more you try to resist, the more prominent the craving becomes.  Rather than trying to reject these feelings why don't we accept them and understand why we feel that way?  This is the method that I've started using and it works like a freaking CHARM!  Like ok...I understand I'm attracted to this man but why?  What has he reaaaallly done for me? When you realize this person hasn't done much to make you feel the way you do or what you are REALLY attracted to in them it makes it all the easier to let go.  Goodbye old feelings. :)

Thursday, December 10, 2009


I <3 my family...without them I would be nothing.  They make me angry sometimes because they are so pushy but I know that it is all love.  They are my support system which is needed to achieve any dream.  & because of them everyday...I feel a little closer to my dreams. *blessed*

P.U.R.E Love

What is LOVE? Who can define it?  The only answer that made sense to me was "you just KNOW." Saying so much in so little, right?...If you think about it, this is such a vague answer.  What EXACTLY do you "just KNOW"?  Is it that overwhelming feeling that you can't get rid of?  Those butterflies in your stomach?  A woozy feeling whenever your touched by this person?  Well...I KNOW that I love my family and I don't get any of these feelings from them.  Is that why there was then created the term "IN love". Lol. This just makes me laugh because when you are "IN love you can also fall OUT of love." I believe that true love never faulters...

I believe I am ready & open for LOVE.  Not the love that everyone else says they have for their know, that deep-overwhelming-infatuation-that-you-feel-that-may-well-be-lust type love. No no.  I mean P.U.R.E love. That love that gets to the point where its deeper than the skin, so even though u don't feel the butterflies or the tingling, u know that its there. That's what made sense that you "Just KNOW."  You would do anything to see that this person has the best out of life because you feel what they feel.  The real definition of a "soul mate". I need THAT love because that type of love cannot fail.  You can't fall OUT of that love because you aren't IN love. That love is produced and guided by is not a lustful feeling, it is so much deeper.  It is constant & never ending.  I need that Pure Love.

Monday, December 7, 2009

1st FreeStyle Poem...(How I'm feeling right now)


Attraction to who u wanted me to see.

A mask full of ur best qualites...

                                                        It captured my heart

                                                        Choked my heart

                                                        My heart needed air...!

                                                        FINALLY...a breath...
                                                        The mask was no longer there.

(Poems give me such release. aaahhh. sweet sweet release. <3)

First Photoshoot I Ever Did...

I've always been into photography, it's my passion.  With all of school and work I never have time to pursue it.  I finally got a chance to do a photoshoot! Trust me, this day, my heart was smiling!!!! My friend Bryt was my model. Can u believe it was 30 degrees out?  She's a BEAST. ;) 

Always, always, pursue what's in your heart! Following a passion gives you purpose.  FREE PASSION for all! *muah*

Cherry *POP*. (1st Post)

Gold Filling is I....

Twitter has been seeing a lot of my release lately so I'll give social networks a break from being my therapy... 

Different minds are the best so I'm giving u a chance to dwell into well as enjoy some of my poetry & photography. "The first step in understanding me is realizing that u can't." <3