Monday, January 25, 2010

The Permanent Beauty

We hear all the time that beauty is more than flesh.  Who really lives by this saying?  This world has placed outer beauty on a pedestal that cannot be knocked down.  I am the highest supporter of inner beauty, but that still doesn't stop me from wearing make-up, weave, dressing to impress, etc.  But this also doesn't mean that I don't find inner beauty important.
     Looking nice is perfectly long as you don't PRIDE yourself on this factor.  People who only look for those attractive on the outside have the worst relationships and friendships.  Not only is this where you find the most frenemies (those for you on the outside, but would rather not see you succeed), but this is also where you have the most unsuccessful relationships.  Once the physical attraction dies, there is nothing left in the relationship that will keep the passion going and the fire burning, if you don't have an inner connection.
    "Beauty doesn't come from the tag in your clothes, it comes from the message in your heart". You can buy all of the most expensive clothing and people will admire you and love you...or are they admiring and loving the clothes you are wearing?  When you remove all of these accessories, THAT IS WHO YOU ARE. In Beyonce's song "Upgrade You", she mentionins only material things are needed if you wanted to upgrade yourself.  If you truly believe this, does that mean when you take them all off these things off, you are downgraded??? Would the same people that love you while you are flashy and shining, love you when you don't have these things?  If not, you need to re-evaluate your inner self and the inner self of those around you.  Besides, those who have inner beauty have eyes are are a little brighter, and skin that glows just that much more.  Pay close can see it. ;)

"Some people, no matter how old they get, never lose their beauty - they merely move it from their faces into their hearts." - Martin Buxbaum

   True beauty is the beauty that God sees.  We must all strive to be a little more like Him in all aspects.  True beauty doesn't come from your face but from your soul.

Sooooooo how does your soul look? :)

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